Who loves their body just as it is? Um, no one.

We compare ourselves to others and feel shame if we’re overweight or underweight. Or defective if we are seriously ill or physically challenged.

Well we need to knock that off right now.

There is a reason we have the bodies that we have. I promise you.

I don’t care what condition your body is in right this moment, whether you’re sick or challenged, are overweight or underweight, tall or short, I’m telling you that your body is perfect.

I AM NOT talking about mental Body Acceptance: OK my body sucks but I still love me.

And I am not saying that we should give up trying to heal it.

And I am not giving you an excuse to blow your diet – put that fudge brownie down now!

I’m saying there is a reason your soul is living in your exact body at this exact moment in time. And it is a beautiful thing.

As we Journeyers know, our souls are on a path to learn and grow. Our souls need a vehicle for their journey. Our bodies are our soul’s vehicle.

And just like different vehicles are best for different paths, our different bodies are best for different soul paths.

When you travel to a destination, sometimes it makes sense to get there in a 747 and sometimes it makes sense to get there on a bicycle. One is neither better than the other, but just perfect for the journey you’re taking. You wouldn’t ride a bicycle across the ocean, while you wouldn’t take an airplane to the corner store.

Our bodies are just like that. They are perfect for whatever Soul Journey we are traveling. Perfect for whatever lessons your soul is learning right now.

If you are overweight or underweight, if you are sick or challenged in any way, it’s not that your body is defective, it isn’t. In fact it is perfect for the journey you are on, your journey to grow and to learn exactly what your soul desires to learn right now.

So love it and cherish it. Heal it and nurture it. Feed it right. It’s your soul’s vehicle and it’s beautiful.

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